"There are seventy-two cards beautifully hand drawn in the Angel Oracle deck, and each one has a distinct meaning. The 86 page full colour Angel Oracle Book references each card individually and suggested layouts for the Angel Oracle deck.
The Angel Oracle can be the right choice for you if you prefer a single card message over a three-card directional reading. (included is information on how to use the deck to benefit your style and interpretation.)
The Angel Oracle deck. Allows for endless style and interpretation, but as you learn more about it and develop your skills with it, you might also come across some additional wonderful applications, patterns, and intuitive cues."
You can shuffle or draw a card, take from the card name, or use in conjunction with the Angel Oracle Book which outlines each Angel Oracle card's meaning and depending on your influence or surrounding circumstances.
For example:
What does the Angel Oracle bring forward to be more consciously aware of?
The Angel Oracle book references for "Unconditional" explains:
Limitations, restrictions, and expectations must be removed at this time.
The chance to be in the moment without hesitation, reservation, rhyme, or reasoning.
Below are 5 examples of what "uncondtional" means or influences over circumstances/matters which may be signficcan in the quesiton being asked or the subconscious prompting.
Letting up on expectations and accepting the result or circumstance as it is.
Giving to a situation or person without restraint, control, or judgement.
Removing obstacles and barriers.
Assistance or support without expecting anything in return.
Freely give or given.
However, you may choose to use the Angel Oracle to connect to your intuitive self and find releveant information or promptings revealed in the card names and meanings.
This deck is for all levels and experiences. A truly universal vessel that connects and aligns to that which is influencing and evolving bringing you a clear insight.
copyright 2023 Carolyn Clairvoyant - Angel Oracle
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