You can make tremendous changes this year that will make you feel happy about every part of your life. You muster the strength you need to get past obstacles and move closer to achieving what seemed unachievable at first.
The goals you have, your finances, and personal direction will support your hopes and aspirations for a more prosperous chapter in your life. Your motivation will return, and inspiration will flow, enabling you to take on any challenge head-on.
Virgo Tarotscopes 2024: Reviving Your Motivation and Unleashing Your Inspiration
The utilisation of twelve separate Tarot cards, one for each of the twelve houses in Astrology, to provide a more thorough outlook on the potential course of this year.
"How you see yourself and how you want others to see you"
First house of physicality, self-expression, and self-image.
This year, put your attention on following your passion, be open to new concepts, and allow your creativity to flow. It also promotes embracing your inner guidance and discovering new aspects of yourself. It's possible that you'll find your lighter side or that you're drawn to a more creative activity.
Despite having had some setbacks in the past, you view this year as full of possibilities and aim high, confident that you can achieve your goals. You can tap into your energy and see possibility in the direction that your life and purpose are taking this year.
"What you value and consider brings you security and stability"
Second house of income, self-worth, and physical possessions.
THE EMPEROR reversed
This year, you might find yourself reevaluating your worth as a person, your money, and the environments you choose to surround yourself with. You approach making money with assertiveness and a fervent desire to succeed financially. You will be aware that you could occasionally be impatient and want everything to happen right now, which could cause you to make snap financial judgements.
You'll be self-assured in your pursuit of a comfortable life. Offers can come your way, and you might discover professional prospects that give you even more potential to guarantee the kind of money you desire.
But once more, remember patience, try not to seize the first chance because an even better opportunity can present itself if you are willing to wait. This also holds true for: You will need to work hard to practice financial discipline if you hope to accumulate the kind of financial security you see for the future.
"How you think, communicate and what's important to your immediate environment"
Third house, which governs siblings, neighborhood, short distance travel correspondence, and technology.
This year, you should anticipate innovations, creativity, and mental clarity to help you reach your objectives. You'll strike up constructive conversations and lend your support to an inspiration or an idea that makes achieving your objectives easier.
When or if presented with obstacles, you are driven to overcome them or produce a fresh approach. As you possess the power to express your truth, remove whatever is obstructing your ability to see, and liberate yourself from any constraints that have been placed by past experiences.
" What foundations you seek to nurture "
Fourth house, which represents the home, family, heritage, and mother or significant parent.
This year, you are a sociable person who relishes social interactions and will seize every chance to spend time with your family and friends. Creating the ideal space, buying a house, or adjusting your current residence to put yourself in a better position to achieve your ideal goals will all be quite likely.
Your home is going to seem busy, but you are motivated to make a happy place that nurtures everybody. For this reason, you consistently offer an inviting atmosphere to everyone and host gatherings where everyone is treated like family.
"What brings you pleasure and passion in pursuing"
Fifth house, which is associated with children, creativity, and passion.
THE CHARIOT reversed
This year, you know that you can create change, but you may be putting it off or waiting for good reasons to expand your possibilities, or you may finally be able to understand something clearly at last and now it's just a matter of planning.
You have a deep appreciation and sense of gratitude for the chance to achieve what you are trying to. It may take some time to integrate your quest for happiness with focusing on your passions, creations, and family, though.
You can manifest a great deal into your life this year. You just need to be mindful of overextending yourself to make everything happen at once.
If things are out of balance, you may have to work harder to get them back in balance. Particularly for individuals who are single or reevaluating committed relationships, your passions may fuel an overwhelming desire to discover love, to the point of giving up other goals and aspirations.
"What serves you best in your purpose, wellbeing, and betterment"
Sixth house, which is related to wellbeing, routines, and working relationships.
KING OF CUPS reversed
This year will force you to reflect on your objectives, the people in your life, and the way you handle day-to-day duties. Without even realising it, you could start to overextend yourself or become fixated on things. If not controlled, the inclination to expect everything to be flawless, substantial, or exactly how you want it can lead to issues.
You will undoubtedly be devoted and passionate about all you accomplish. This includes any pressure you might place on yourself to reach your goals or give your best effort.
You won't settle for anything less than the best, and if you don't watch what you do, this could lead to health problems. This year, you are prone to burnout, overindulging in food or drink, or engaging in other activities that may cause you to push beyond your boundaries—emotionally, mentally, and physically.
"How you connect, engage and partner with others"
Seventh house, which is related to relationships, agreements, and commitments.
In terms of commitments, this year may be centred around alliances or partnerships that result from the efforts of others in your personal and professional life. A mentor with more experience or a person who might have influence around you may even be able to recommend you for promotions or other employment opportunities.
This point in time implies the opportunity to successfully accomplish a business venture, an investment, or create the level of achievement you desire will manifest. As a result, these agreements and partnerships will benefit your finances because they may present you with prospects that result in further generous offers.
A wonderful connection that is in line with both material and spiritual needs could develop in love.
If you're single, situations that bring you into a stable and consistent phase of your personal relationship could present possibilities for you. A shared desire to be emotionally and psychologically sound while also pursuing like-minded objectives is what piques your interest in dating someone or developing a commitment to this person.
If you're in a relationship, sit back, unwind, and celebrate all that you have accomplished together. You may both put in a lot of effort to maintain a respectable standard of living, and now can be the right moment to step up your relationship or create plans that will inspire you both to acknowledge the value that each person makes to the relationship.
"What you seek to accumulate and need to transform"
Eighth house, which is responsible for transformation, intimacy, and other people's money and possessions.
THE HANGMAN reversed
You're prepared to adjust and start approaching things from a different angle this year. In case your income, spending or plans have been suspended, this could indicate that you are now ready to resume your journey with a renewed sense of energy and a clear perspective.
You will experience an instant of clarity or a clear awareness of how you need to change the way you go about financial matters. Now that you have a fresh outlook, you're prepared to implement those adjustments and move forward.
If you've been reluctant to take out a loan or to commit to a big expenditure or buy. There might be other options available to you that allow you to get the money you require, but they won't come without consequences.
Consequently, since the resources are giving you problems, you will need a different viewpoint to advance. For instance: You could be hesitant to spend a lot of money on something if you anticipate running out of money after completing the purchase. If you must take out another loan or are waiting for a settlement or return on your investment, this can be the situation.
"What gives you opportunity to grow and explore"
Ninth house, which is responsible for overseas travel, higher learning, and beliefs.
SIX OF CUPS reversed
You will be very self-reflective this year, considering the decisions you have made in life and the course of your beliefs now. You can envision yourself going back to the place you believe you need to regain or reestablish to go back to where you are now.
You have a clear view of your surroundings. It's important to carefully assess whether you should move forth with your next course of action or not. If you're bored and need to discover something new and exciting to keep things interesting, this could be a sign.
You are making changes to your life, job, education, or environment in which to flourish. As a result of your prior work in these areas, you will be heading towards better opportunities looking forward.
"How your career, achievements, and social standing are achieved"
Tenth house of ambitions, career, and public image.
This year could have a significant impact on your reputation, job, and public perception. You will have a powerful desire to succeed and be recognised for your achievements, which will establish you as a determined, ambitious person with a talent for building connections and relating to others.
It's likely that you'll grow much sooner as your career picks up steam. You are becoming more knowledgeable and creative, and when you put your ideas into practice, you can success and respect.
If you follow your instincts to embrace improvements, all you will face is good fortune. This is the ideal time to start a new opportunity or work on an idea you have been kicking about for a while. It could be that you land a new job where you are valued for the work you perform, or a challenging circumstance has finally been addressed and you can move on confidently.
"How you aspire to belong, your hopes, friendships, and common interests"
Eleventh house of friendships, groups, and interests.
THE SUN reversed
This year, you long to rediscover the thrill you previously experienced and to feel appreciated or recognised by others. You'll have a feeling of letting go and maybe realise it's time to move on and meet new people.
It may become apparent to you that certain relationships you have are not actually based on friendship or common interests. More about what they think they can get out of being your friend or associate, or what they think they can get from you.
Therefore, making wholesome friendships and participating in authentic activities or interests that uphold or support your values and uniqueness will become your main priorities.
"What is your collective unconscious, dreams, intuition, and spiritual connection"
Twelfth house, which governs dreams, intuition, deep subconscious, and secrets.
This year, take care not to sacrifice your spirituality for the sake of reason or logic alone. As you strive to strike a balance between spending time to reconnect with yourself and your path and removing yourself from part of the chaos outside, you can find yourself becoming cautious or dismissive, giving in to irrational fears or worries.
You might be reluctant to disclose your actual views and opinions, but you must learn to speak out for what you believe in and share your ideas without fear of what other people will think or say.
You will delve deeper to discover the answers regarding your beliefs and your relationship with spiritual awareness because it serves as a reminder of the power your ideas can manifest and as evidence that, with the right mentality, emotions and beliefs may generate and attract what you want in your life.