What does Virgo have in store for 2023 ?
This is going to be a very strong time of negotiating your way through what you believe is a time of getting everything back into order. Now, you will spend the first three to four months working on this, and in doing so, you will find this a time in which you are very happy with the results.
This is a mother card. It's the :queen of Cups”. It does rule a lot of what will be happening around you emotionally. Perhaps this is to do with a mother or a mother figure in your life but it also can be with you and how you nurture situations along. It vibrates towards what you believe is the expectations of those results.
This is about partnerships and collaborative efforts. about getting confidence happening in your life. What is transpiring throughout this period of time will enable you to see long-term results and that which you are wishing for or hoping to manifest.
Home and family - as you move through the year especially around the summer months you could focus more on meeting up with those which have significance in your life. The past returning, having peace of mind over the decisions that you are making and seeing this as a time in which you can see the love and support as far as the energy that you put into that which you are passionate about.
So, if the home is surrounded by love then the people that are involved around you and the events happening open to trusting decisions because everybody seems to be involved or supporting outcomes. For you, you can see this as the best choice and one foot forward. You start to see everything unfolding in a very balanced way and this is fantastic for agreements decision making and collaborative choices.
Career, goals and aspirations - Like I said, partnerships being very important around the home, the family and around your financial areas. This is just as important around your career, goals and aspirations and that which you wish you to achieve.
March,April, May, September, October and November bring good vibrations to career and goals. You see this as a chance in which to be able to open some very beautiful new directions. You have a new and fresh approach to what you believe is possible this year.
So, everything that you are working towards you are making sure that you have everything in order. Now, if you get lost in overthinking too much - you will be able to look at this as a time in which you ask yourself “where do I need to detach from what have I been holding back on?”and “what do I need to let go of so that I can embrace this beautiful new year of positive changes sitting around?”
In doing so, you will see this as a better time for your own betterment and well-being and very healthy time around your engagements, engaging areas of your career goals and aspirations. This is one of those times when you will look at slowing things down enough to process the choices or decisions you need to make.
Financially - This is about good opportunities manifesting helping you to put those steps in place financially. Previous discussions around this financial decision making, or changes arose around November and December of 2022, so in 2023 you will already be prepared. You are ready, you are moving everything along.
You are able to solve a few issues that have taken a bit of time to solve. Something that's been kind of brushed to one side - you will get back on top of and you will look at this financial situation or dilemma as a chance to get matters in order.
Remember you have good news or good outcomes, so stay proactive. You will find that those results definitely pay dividends. This year is about clearing the Slate with your financial problems or issues and bringing in better new resources to be able to support you for the years to come.
Health and your well-being – The influence of the Piscean house or 12th house which is all about what goes on your subconscious. It's about your sensitivities, your faith and your beliefs. But, also looks at where you are emotionally.
You may be putting a lot of pressure on yourself and sometimes we keep this back in our subconscious and begin to worry too much. Therefore, it starts to manifest in illness or areas in our life. In this instance, it brings up drama and then drama brings up trauma and in turn the trauma brings up addiction. Addiction then brings up areas in which you may over indulge.
Now it doesn't always have to be alcohol or drugs. It can be where you actually put yourself through a period of time where you over stress, you overwork or you over do it. This is about finding that even keel so that you can get through touchy months in this year. However, by being aware or proactive you are consciously aware and know when those triggers maybe more inclined to hit.Therefore, giving you the change to be able to keep things in a more stable time for your own self and your own well-being.
Relationships- an interesting time as nothing is as it appears, it is all about waiting for things to happen. Don't jump to conclusions, let conversations happen and don't just naturally assume – that is very important.
If you're single and looking – just remember everyone else may have an opinion on your situation. You may be wondering if you trust situations or circumstances as you realise a majority of that which is happening is out of your control – heightening past experiences.
So, a relationship could be very much on the horizon this year but in the disguise of a friendship.
This time you are trying to see love and people from whole different level of understanding or maybe you are too standoffish. Therefore, this is about building good friendships, accepting invitations and looking at this as a time in which to be able to moderate your social activities to find happiness and joy.
For those that are in settled and stable relationships - push through what could be a bit of a time of opposition. Maybe you both are quite sensitive about situations around past experiences and you both need to look at where to be more stable. This could mean that you are going back to reflect, look over circumstances that continue to impacted your relationship with the intention to find happier solutions and outcomes.