We all come from different walks of life, career choices and lifestyles. I recall (1981/1982) one of my my first jobs working at KFC in Bathurst NSW at 14 years old and 9 months. I worked most weekends and some school nights.
I left school in 1983, mid first term of year 11 at age 16. I would work at Coles during the day from 9am til 5pm before heading back to KFC to do the night hostess shift 5 nights a week from 5.30pm til close. I knew then I was addicted to working, probably more than most.
Between the years 1985/1986, at 18 years old, I worked for Ovingtons Pies, in Bathurst NSW . Somewhere between 1986 and 1987, I was working nights at the Victoria Hotel, as a barmaid pulling in as many shifts as I could as I waited to get my foot in the door at Edgells ( now Simplot). I landed a lucky break with a chance to work on the frozen vegetable line before moving into the new Chiko department was opening with the relaunch of the Chicko Roll.
Although, I was working full time, I still felt the need to fill the nights when not working at the pub with my other side jobs, selling jewellery and clothes on party plan. When, I left Edgells in 1988, and the lovely Chiko chics behind to take up a domestic role at Moran Nursing home at Kelso, in the laundry. I lasted about 6 months if that, before falling pregnant with my first child in 1989, at age 22.
My daughter Jessica, was born in the May 1990, and when she was about 9 months old, I saw a Chinese deliver driver wanted advertised for the Bathurst Golf Club. So, I thought it was perfect to waitress and do home deliveries whilst juggling Motherhood. I lasted about 6 or so months and fell pregnant with my second child, Natalie.
By now (1991) with two children under 2 years old, I did not really have the time for much more than motherhood. So, motherhood become my career so to speak. My spiritual path was beginning to emerge in leaps and bounds and my desire to discover more about divination and my gifts, especially my passion for Numerology, Cartomancy and Astrology.

Now, lets fast forward to 1995, with now four children aged five and under, now living in Orange NSW for the past 2 years. I spent a good portion of 1993 though to mid 1996 focusing on my spiritual path. I was starting to do clairvoyant, tarot and numerology readings more often. My confidence is growing and I am very comfortable with the fact this is now to be my career path, my purpose.
I registered my first business Carolyn’s Cosmos in September 1995. My office was a small fourth bedroom. I started with $25 to run my first advertisement advertising my services for clairvoyant readings in the local paper.
At first, with 4 children, Jessica 5, Natalie 4, Troy 2 and Bradley 6 months old, I had to be inventive as to how to perform the work required whilst still running a household. I came up with the idea to advertise the clairvoyant readings which, people would phone and book the appointment, upon arrival the reading would be fully typed out and ready for collection. I would generally sit for around 10 to 20 minutes answering questions or clarifying points in the reading which, was a combination of numerology, tarot cards and clairvoyance.
I, found this system worked well for me as this style of reading, tested my ability to tune directly into the situation or areas presented by Spirit, even without seeing or meeting the person. The clairvoyant readings and my popularity grew but, so did the need to now deal more with face to face clients.
By mid 1996, I would hurry through my day completing housework, meals and washing. In the evenings from 6.30pm, appointments for face to face clients would begin. I am still typing up all these readings before meeting each person except now, I am getting busier and time is limited to keep up with demand. I had the added pressure of going through a marriage break down and becoming a single mum at 29, right smack bang in my first Saturn return.
One day a client named Arleen, a regular came to visit. Arleen, suggested I should instead of typing my readings, I should consider recording the reading to cassette tape. Of course, this now meant I could spend more time face to face with clients and less time trying to type up mountains of readings.
I, think it was around this same time my brother suggested that, I launch a website to advertise my business. I was not that tech savvy back then but, with his help Carolyn’s Cosmos was created. I started with offering a FREE 1 question reading is via email. The wide world web was was just starting to manifest and my site gained much attention with the use of several divination pages designed for each visitor to interact and use. However, the free question was the hit! This launched my business and reputation both domestically and internationally.
I had a chance to work on what was called the ”Psychic Circuit” with Gary Wiseman. Gary would call when the Psychic fair was in the Central West to work with local and interstate readers. I would travel to Bathurst or Dubbo to do a few days of readings with the other readers.
My passion for travel was huge! the reality though I, also have 4 young children and if it was not for my family helping as much as they could I would not have been able to travel at all. I spent time reading in Canberra, Sydney, Lismore and many other places throughout the time with Gary Wiseman’s Psychic Fairs.
It was on my very first time of working with Gary Wiseman’s Psychic Fair in Bathurst NSW at the James Cook Motor Inn, around 1997 that, I met Rayleen Kable. (who is known for her work on The One, Haunting Australia and Psychic Tv) Rayleen, sat at a table behind me and came up and introduced herself. I would spend many years working the some of the same shows or events along side Rayleen, as we not only shared a friendship that would span the years to this day but, our passion for spirits work, and both being young mums away from our families.
This grew to working the MBS festivals in Sydney, Gold Coast and Melbourne. The chance to connect with like minded people for four days reading and exploring the exhibition was life changing to say the least.
The amazing people I would meet and work beside, some beautiful lasting friendships formed and with this a network of like minded. My business was growing, my work more demanding and I loved it, every moment of it! I continued to work the MBS Festivals on and off until around 2001, before the children and I relocated to QLD to live for 7 years, only to return to the MBS Festivals for a small time in 2007 and 2008.
In 1997, I released several divination products such as Fortune Telling Dice, Numerology Packages and delved into making aromatherapy candles and selling crystals. I was now teaching workshops on Tarot and other classes on Spiritual development privately and through the local adult or mature learning centre.
It was in the October of 1997, I took my first trip to America and will share this story and experience in future blogs. However, I discovered a very special guide that appeared to me and would play an integral role for many years in my spiritual growth.
Carolyn’s Cosmos, had grown to a healthy sustainable business which, took a lot of hard work, sacrifice and my family to support my passion to happen. I juggled for about five years with being a single mum, a business woman and most importantly finding my purpose to embrace the path and stay on it.
In 2000, I was approached by a local radio station 2GZ in Orange NSW, to run a 15 minute segment once a fortnight. I was asked if I would do a few tarot readings over the air for callers and maybe discuss a topic or two in between. This very quickly turned into a weekly half hour segment every Thursday due to the popularity of on air tarot readings and topics.
I can recall the switchboard would be loaded! I am forever grateful for the experiences I have had. I can never say I have not given my best or shied away from the calling but, i certainly can say I, have been honoured with many blessed experiences to explore my spiritual path and the public arena.
The Carolyn’s Cosmos radio segment ran for the year, after which, I decided to relocate my family to QLD In 2001. I was closing down business and referring clients to other local readers. I was ready to embrace a new chapter in my life as, I felt it was time to step back from my work with spirit. I can’t explain the reason why, only that I had felt tired and just wanted to a so called “normal life” for my four children and I.
I guess in reflection 2001 through to 2003 - I was preparing for a new journey. One that, was leading me on a two year long study and educational path to explore courses in health, betterment and personal growth. All of which, prepared the next leg of my journey back to the path of working with Spirit.
Carolyn’s Cosmos ceased to exist as the website closed at this time. I put my cards away, I closed my energy off and stepped back from the public. I, was now just Carolyn Curtis, the lady with the four children who moved into Principal Drive, Upper Coomera, QLD. Until I married in 2002, becoming Carolyn Flynn and in 2004, my youngest daughter Montana was born now making me a mother of five.
Well, in 2003, as Spirit would have it, sent a little reminder that i was to get back on my path with my readings. Once again, my neighbour next door in Principal Drive come across for coffee and before I knew it, I was back in the public eye and reading once again. Now, I was well on the way to relaunching my comeback!
As the word of mouth led more and more people to seek my services - my business reopened as “Metaphysical World” in 2003. However, in 2005, my second marriage was coming to an end. I would spend a further two years (2007) in Qld before making the decision to relocate my family back to NSW as the home we rented was now to be sold.
Jessica, had graduated year 12 that year and was considering a career with Military Police or something similar. I decided for 2008, that Wagga Wagga NSW had two Armed Force Bases and this would be perfect place to live. However, a small change of plan and Jess relocated to Bathurst and I moved the rest of the family to Wagga Wagga.
Natalie 16, and starting year 12 as we had relocated from QLD and had completed year 11. Troy heading into year 10, Bradley was starting year 8, and Montana was a year off starting kindergarten. I ran my business via phone readings with leaving my QLD clients for a new location.
I had a small following through QLD clients who also had family around the Albury, Wagga Wagga and Riverina areas. This helped but, was not enough to enable me to run a household and cover my expenses.
Troy‘s friend Anthony lived down the street from our house in Macleay Street. Through Anthony I met his mum Deb who worked at the RAAF Base. Deb mentored needing more staff for shifts and suggested when my youngest started school the following year to apply.
My business was just getting by, some weeks nothing other weeks the bookings came in. I made the decision in 2009 to put the business on hold and work at the RAAF base as a cleaner. I felt at the time, this is what is best and I questioned if maybe it was time to just go back to “normal work” instead.
I advertised to teach tarot, run workshops and do what I could to keep the business moving ahead. I was getting tired, I am a single mum sometimes working split shifts, running the family to work, training , trying to watch my boys play football on weekends or spending my time running between Wagga Wagga and Bathurst to be with family.
Then in 2011, I received a phone call from my friend Rayleen about a new show that was launching in Australia, called Psychic Tv. Rayleen, suggested this would be a good idea to come and meet the team to see if there would be any chance of appearing or working on the show.
I was curious but, was not sure if this was a platform for me and my work. However, I did go to Sydney, met the team and was given the opportunity to be a part of the 6 week pilot. This was huge! Nothing like this had happened here in Australia and the chance to work on Psychic TV was an opportunity I thought would be a chance to try something new.
I had worked live radio in the past therefore, working in front of a live camera would be no different. I was blessed to be a part of the 6 week pilot in which I appeared in 16 of the 22 episodes aired.
The adrenaline from the moment the camera goes to air, answering recorded and live readings, discussing the craft of divination and sharing experiences with the home audience was very special.
I took that experience with me and ticked it off my bucket list of accomplishments. I decided that, I wanted to move back to Bathurst NSW to be closer to family and prepare for the trip to the US in which my daughter Jess was to celebrate her 21st birthday. So, in the March/April 2011, I once again relocated my family.
I began to think about how I would relaunch the business once again. No one knows me as “Metaphysical World” - I chose to use my own name “Carolyn Flynn” to rename my website and launch my social media pages. However, I discovered shortly after that there was already a Carolyn Flynn who was a doctor but also wrote books and was connected spiritually in her works. I did not want to be mistaken for that person nor, I feel did she want the same to happen.
In 2012 “Carolyn Clairvoyant“ “Known as the Most Giving Clairvoyant” birthed from my free reading sessions often generated through my Carolyn Clairvoyant private facebook group. My social presence created along with my then very popular YouTube channel and the monthly tarot-scopes forecasts. From there on I, have a public presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Fiverr, Etsy, Google Business, Tumblr, Pinterest, Flickr, SnapChat, Skype, Podcast and many other social media outlets. This branding has enabled my name to be associated with exactly what I love and that which, I passionately work towards every day.
In 2013, I was invited to be involved in launch of Themed Cruises Australia to travel on the ship Pacific Dawn. This included 6 days travelling to Fiji and the islands with set seminars delivering 3 exclusive shows to a select group of guests whilst working with and beside the talented and gifted Heidi Hanley
Over the last 7 years, I have written articles for small release magazines, participated in first Themed Cruises on the Pacific Dawn with Heidi Hanley. I designed psychic dinners which boost local businesses and developed workshops and discussion platforms on a range of subjects and topics. The past 2 years, I have actively engaged with other entrepreneurs who desire to move more into the public eye and open businesses such as my own, sharing my years of experience through mentoring programs.
My focus to product and branding generates an association with my business and the name “Carolyn Clairvoyant” with the release of my own unique designs and teachings with a range of books, decks and other self published literature which, can be found on Amazon and Lulu.
I chose to travel extensively (home sit for 2.5 years), giving a broader range of face to face readings by visiting towns and cities that would normally only have access through phone, skype and email etc. However, with modern phones, skype and FaceTime programs, readings can be delivered anywhere in the world at any time without leaving home. I learned to make the business affordable and highly accessible.
My focus to keep abreast of the market, finding the right support systems for clients and keeping moderate pricing enables a constant flow of new and regular clients. Offering services that are appropriate to market, retailing products, workshops and presentations, psychic events and dinners. Always, keeping advertising light, fresh and unsaturated, helps to maintain a healthy business. You become noticed.
However, it also important to remember this is about being a personal experience, connecting with authenticity, empathy and non judgemental opinions. Every person, ever questions no matter how big, small , unusual or real, is important and deserves respect and the truth. I don’t make the business about money, I make it about the person in front of me and the work I do with spirit. I keep healthy boundaries and learn to take time out for me.
I research trends, marketplaces, look for ways to extend the business without spending unnecessary money or energy to maintain as time is precious. I highly recommend, a good, reliable and easy to move around website is KEY to people finding your services. You can utilise social media options to promote business and draw attention without breaking the budget as most social media pages are free. Keep the name simple and easy to remember.
Recently, I made a decision to add a new extension to my business - which, is tight kept secret until the new launch possible mid 2020. This entails obtaining a new qualification to bring a speciality service that, I am so very excited to embrace. I felt this new direction would compliment the path for future experiences which, I am passionate to explore and believe will compliment my business growth.
These are some of my pointers - BUT mostly, I learned trust that, sometimes the path leads you in many directions. You only lose your way when overthink the journey.
#CarolynClairvoyant #Clairvoyant #PsychicBusiness #ClairvoyantReadings #CarolynsCosmos #MetaphysicalWorld #Numerology #FortuneTellingDice #SpiritualJourney #WomenInBusiness #Esty #Tumblr #Fiverr #FaceBook #Instagram #Pinterest #Twitter
Professional Time Line
1995- Opened Carolyn’s Cosmos
1996- Launched Carolyn’s Cosmos website
1997 - 2000 Sydney Mind Body and Soul Festivals since 1998, Melbourne Mind Body and...Soul Festivals since 2009 and Brisbane Mind Body and Soul Festivals since 2010. Traveled extensively throughout NSW and ACT with Psychic Fairs
1997- Designed workshop for Tarot and Spiritual Awareness taught through Adult Education or vocational courses. Released Fortune Telling Dice and Numerology Packages.
1999 - 2000 Live talk-back radio show ” Carolyn’s Cosmos” on 105-1 2GZ Fm in Orange NSW
2012 - 2017 Created articles for several small magazines and have articles that have been published throughout other media forms.
2011 -Psychic TV Australia for the duration of the pilot 6 weeks completing a massive 16 shows of 22 aired in 6 weeks.
2013 -Themed Cruises on the P &O ship the Pacific Dawn. I was invited to be a part of the new launch. This included 6 days travelling to Fiji and the islands with set seminars delivering 3 exclusive shows working with and beside the talented and gifted Heidi Hanley
2013 -Relaunch of the Tarot workshops, along with the design and publishing of my first set of Tarot cards called Carolyn's Tarot Deck and the Tarot Workbook
2014 - I have started the year with several new decks being released - The playing card deck called Definitive Destinies and a predictive affirmations deck called The Then, Now & Future Deck . There are several other projects still forming. I have also authored several books based on the yearly influences.
2014 - I designed a mentoring program and also took the initiative to set up a second business called The Ideas Gal which melded into my current 2019 services - The idea of this project is to bring together my expertise in a small business and mentoring other small businesses to assist in creating a successful business that will grow through essential marketing that is important to capture the right audience for your business.
2014 - Guest writer for several metaphyiscal and online spiritual magazines
2015 - Released authored works to Kindle (Amazon.com .au ) added several new course structures. ”Intuition and Divination”
I travelled throughout Australia - group bookings, functions and events and set up new networks for platform for future shows and presentations to commence in 2016.
2016 - Authored Messages and Beyond a compilation of many beautiful readings from those no longer with us. I toured with my new show called Messages and Beyond working with live audiences.
2017- Introduced new workshops, live shows and published several books Numerology for Beginners, Cartomancy to Amazon and Kindle - Carolyn Clairvoyant. Worked extensively on the new Soul’s Purpose deck design and manual for workshops to be launched at a later date.
2017- to present day - Created a seller’s platform on Fiverr which extended the business and client reach gaining strong support. This platform enabled a more independent working environment to work throughout my travels.
2017- 2019 In the June, I commenced home sitting throughout Australia which, gave a greater reach for face to face readings, events and workshops to areas which are less frequented. Focused on social media platforms and extending business reach.
2018 - worked extensively on a conceptual new ideas to broaden audience attention. Created a podcast channel “Cosmic Vibrations” which is to launch in officially with audience interaction and topics of interest.
2019- redesigned the official website, launched the Cosmic Vibrations Blog. I have designed new workshops “Soul’s Journey” to commence in 2020. I am also in the process of commencing study to gain a very important qualification/certification to bring a new addition to my business which, will be announced mid 2020 upon completion.
2002 Dip M Psy,A Qualified Meridian Psychotherapist (EFT)
2002 , Dip F. Ess Bach Flower Essences
2003 ,Dip S.M.C ,Qualified Stress Management Counselor
2003 Dip C.N.C, Qualified Clinical Nutritionist,
2010 Training and Assessment Cert IV.
2014 Cert 3 in Business