Consider what it would be like to be going along a familiar street only to decide to take a different path today. A route that will take you out of your comfort zone but will be interesting to discover if you are brave enough to take the jump.
Life events have most likely tempted change for some time. Various scenarios may have occurred, or your inner self may have detected a shift in your consciousness. Your plans, ambitions, commitments, or obligations may feel claustrophobic or monotonous.
But now you notice the neon signs that proclaim, "Now is the time to re-define your purpose." As you can see, change is required for development. What once fit no longer feels the same or provides the same level of satisfaction. Someone or something has started a spark that is illuminating a route that allows you to shed old outgrown attitudes and prepare for a new you to emerge.
You may oscillate between apathy and discovering a spark of energy to effect change.
As you do so, you realise that all you require is already within you. You can set healthier boundaries, encourage what comes your way, as a chance to contemplate upon your experience, and release yourself that which holds back you from living the best version of yourself. Give yourself freedom to approach new opportunities with openness rather than fear.
Remember that you have the right to your own happiness and dreams. We spend so much time and energy trying to live up to what we believe is expected of us. You may now step back and separate your truth to be honest with what you really want for yourself.
It is through genuine connections, compelling objectives and plans, and authentic possibilities, you can provide the groundwork for this new redefining time of personal strength by developing deeper self-awareness of who you are and what you aspire to create - acknowledging you are worth it.
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